Regenerative Agora
Regenerative Academy and Agora (RAA) Suites are designed for self-directed use within your organization. However, to fully realize the transformative potential of a regenerative worldview, we encourage you to engage with our Regenerative Agora Resources, a network of persons that are educated and experienced with the concepts in the suites.
There are two purposes we offer to do this:

Regnenerative Agora Workshops
Regenerative Academy and Agora Partners* are invited to attend free online workshops led by Regenerative Agora Resources, which explore a regenerative mindset across key areas relevant to your organization and its members. See the RAA Resource bios and offerings below, and the RAA calendar for details.

Suite-Aligned Consulting
Regenerative Agora Resources are also contractable to lead custom events for your organization, focused on the specific concepts of a chosen RAA suite. Refer to RAA Resource summaries below to see their offerings, and contact a resource directly.
* A Regenerative Academy and Agora Partner is an organization that has made qualifying bulk purchases of a RAA Suite licenses, including all organization members granted licenses to the suite.
Sidney Cano
TRE Communities
Co-founder of TRECommunities where I have served as Educator and Resource for more than 4 years now; and dedicated my time to live-researching for the emergence of regenerative investing as a value adding process.
Regenerative Agora Workshops
Suite-Aligned Consulting
Regenerative Entrepreneur, Regenerative Democracy, Regenerative Governance, The Regenerative Paradigm, The Regenerative Life, No More Gold Stars
Jendi Coursey
CEO, Coursey Communications
Jendi uses a developmental approach to empower organizations and individuals in their quest to catalyze the evolution of the systems in which they are embedded. She helps change makers examine their thinking and express their ideas in a way that invites others to join them. Affecting systemic change requires an unflinching commitment to one's own development, including continually (re)examining our own ideas, mindset, and energy drains.
Regenerative Agora Workshops
Get out of your own way so you can write what needs to be written
Engage the power of storytelling to support systems evolution
Suite-Aligned Consulting
Indirect Work, No More Gold Stars

Alex Hutton
Regenerative Agent Development (RAD)
Alex is a Professional Engineer working for 24 years in the sustainability and green buildings realm and 15 years in parallel studying inner work (yoga, breathwork, etc.). About 7 years ago, her paths combined as Alex began the journey of learning to apply a Regenerative or living systems approach to life and work.
Regenerative Academy Workshops
Alchemizing Anxiety towards Systems Actualization
Regenerative Practitioner Self Assessment
Suite-Aligned Consulting

Janet Macaluso
Founder of Learning2LEAD
As a former executive with 27 years of experience in global corporations, Janet has led numerous HR functions, specializing in Leadership, Learning & Development, and Organization Design. She has shifted from the traditional textbook approach to a methodology that builds consciousness by blending modern science with ancient wisdom. Janet now focuses on fostering leadership growth to enhance the development of products, processes, and people within the flow of work. She has been an active member of Carol’s communities, including Change Agent Development, Regenerative Women Entrepreneurs, Regenerative Boards, The Regenerative Educator, and Regenerative Business Development.
Regenerative Agora Workshops
A Regenerative Path to Transformational Change
Suite-Aligned Consulting
The Regenerative Educator, Regenerative Entrepreneur, The Regenerative Paradigm, The Regenerative Life. The Regenerative Business, The Responsible Business, Indirect Work. No More Feedback, No More Gold Stars

John-Paul Maxfield
Co-Founder, Living Place
Working in communities at the intersection of entrepreneurship, health and habitat
Regenerative Agora Workshops
Suite-Aligned Consulting
The Regenerative Business, The Responsible Business, The Regenerative Paradigm, Indirect Work, No More Gold Stars

Heather Paulsen
Heather Paulsen Consulting
With a career spanning both for-profit and non-profit worlds—including a decade+ focused largely on B Corp consulting—Heather is now is diving into questions of why external standards and best practices are not enough, and how they ultimately limit our potential. As our world evolves past “sustainability”, Heather’s work seeks to integrate the development of capability and new ways of working at the individual, organizational and systemic levels simultaneously. Heather’s ability to see patterns, encourage new understandings and perspectives, and drive to engage others in believing in and developing their own personal agency is at the heart of her work.
Regenerative Agora Workshops
Managing Energies in Trying Times
The Value of Eliminating Toxic Workplace Practices
Examining Specific “Best Practices” Through a Regenerative Lens
Why a Corporate Direction is More Powerful than Mission/Vision/Values
Suite-Aligned Consulting
The Regenerative Business, The Responsible Business, No More Feedback, Indirect Work, No More Gold Stars, The Regenerative Paradigm, Reimagining DEI

Didi Pershouse
Founder, Land and Leadership Initiative
Didi Pershouse is well known as an innovative international educator both in-person and online. She is the founder of the Land and Leadership Initiative. Her facilitator's guide Understanding Soil Health and Watershed Function, is used in over 60 countries. She became deeply involved in the intersection of food systems and health systems while providing rural health care for two decades at The Center for Sustainable Medicine, and wrote The Ecology of Care: Medicine, Agriculture, Money, and the Quiet Power of Human and Microbial Communities.
Regenerative Agora Workshops
From Silver Bullets to an Ecology of Care
Suite-Aligned Consulting
The Regenerative Educator, Regenerating Spirit, Indirect Work, No More Feedback, No More Gold Stars

Eric J. Pierce
Eric J. Pierce Consulting
Eric brings 25 years of experience helping businesses make difficult decisions, identify growth opportunities, re-imagine brands, and build resilient, high-performing teams. Eric typically engages business leaders, change agents, and entrepreneurs by supporting their business design, strategy, and innovation efforts. Eric's aim is to cultivate the capacity of business to transform our economy from one that incentivizes extraction to one that is in service of all life and that sees business playing a role in systems regeneration and evolution.
Regenerative Agora Workshops
Business Viability vs Vitality and the Role of Living Systems Thinking
Re-imaging the Role of Marketing in Business
Frameworks for Imaging your Customers (and Stakeholders)
Turning Stuckness into Innovation: Getting Unstuck; Finding New Ways By Finding New Perspective
Suite-Aligned Consulting
The Regenerative Business, The Responsible Business, The Regenerative Paradigm, Indirect Work, No More Feedback, No More Gold Stars

Josie Plaut
Institute for the Built Environment
Josie works at the intersections of human habitation, collective evolution, and regenerative practice. For over 20 years Josie has designed and delivered collaborative processes focused on elevating the quality of human relationships with place and life. Her inner and outer work is sourced from a deep yearning to understanding ways of seeing and being that harmonize human and greater than human life.
Regenerative Agora Workshops
Beyond Hope and Despair: Discovering the potential of living and working in transformative times
Suite-Aligned Consulting
Reimagining DEI, Regenerating Spirit, Conscious Dying, The Regenerative Paradigm, The Regenerative Business, The Responsible Business, Indirect Work, No More Feedback, No More Gold Stars
Max Shkud
Max Shkud Consulting
Max believes that growing people is the best way to grow a business. For over 15 years, he has helped Fortune 500 leaders at companies such as Microsoft, Applied Materials, Airbnb, Roche, T-Mobile, and West Pharma accelerate sustainable business growth by developing the ‘Mind of a CEO' at every level of an organization. Max’s particular focus is on cultivating a leadership culture where everyone, from top to bottom, develops self-responsibility, self-accountability, and capability for the growth and success of the whole business on behalf of its customers and beneficiaries.
Regenerative Agora Workshops
Becoming a Regenerative Business Leader
Suite-Aligned Consulting
The Regenerative Business, The Responsible Business, The Regenerative Paradigm, Indirect Work, No More Feedback, No More Gold Stars, The Regenerative Educator, Regenerative Entrepreneur, The Regenerative Life

Geoff Stack
Geoff Stack is a recovering gold-star overachiever, nonprofit manager, landscape architect. With an ear for deep listening, and a penchant for asking potent questions, he often finds himself at the center of multi-disciplinary project teams that build honest, trusting relationships and get stuff done together.
In sessions together we’ll question all of the best practices that exist to try to keep others in line with what we want from them. Then, we will fill the space opened with our own creative endeavors to develop our own answers to questions such as:
What are the capabilities required to develop self-motivating individuals and effective teams?
If we can’t rely on Gold Stars and manipulation to motivate others, then what?
Regenerative Agora Workshops
Suite-Aligned Consulting
No More Gold Stars

Sue Thomas
Sue Thomas has spent decades guiding systems change processes in organizations and communities seeking to bring greater value to those they serve while evolving the capacities of people and the health of the planet. She has led many organizational strategy and workforce development efforts in public, private, and non-profit organizations building higher order thinking to achieve increasingly equitable and regenerative outcomes.
Regenerative Agora Workshops
The Pitfalls of the “Do Good” Organization
Suite-Aligned Consulting
Regenerative Democracy, Regenerating Spirit, The Regenerative Paradigm, The Regenerative Life, The Responsible Business, Indirect Work, No More Feedback, No More Gold Stars